Specialist Artists
In every aspect of our work, we have depended on freelance and independent arts practitioners, organisations and artists to power what we have delivered. We have made a conscious effort to support the workforce whilst they have been contracted on Stage Directions.
As well as arts practitioners, Stage Directions has worked alongside and developed youth workers, teachers and education professionals. Through training and exposure to the Stage Directions sessions at schools and in community settings as well as through artist in residence schemes: these professionals learnt new approaches to introducing creativity into their teaching, enhancing secondary drama curriculums and seeing the impact on speaking, well-being and literacy that the performance work can acheive. You can read more about teacher's feedback and changes in approach in our Y3 report. Salford LCEP will continue to offer training and guidance to education professionals via Creative Directions, a legacy programme from Stage Directions.
'Yes! It's honestly a dream job. I look forward to it!'
'Stage Directions was a great example of a project that put the children first without compromising it's staff.'
'I have thoroughly loved every second of Stage Directions. You have given me the opportunity to develop my skills and enter the freelanced world as a knowledgeable and confident individual.'